YOU in 3 words?
Sincere, Fragile, Strong
Your ART in 3 words?
Poetic, Wide, Research
Tell us about your first encounter with PHOTOGRAPHY:
I had gradual encounters…seeing a photo, is not the same as making a Photo… My first encounter with a photo … I think it was a famous photo of Beirut’s nighttime bombardment during the Israeli invasion. You could see the lightning, the smoke. The explosion weirdly brought light and visible beauty to all the surroundings. It had what most photographs have: fear & desire. it’s fascinating.
I was a child, I lived in Greece and it was one of the first images I had of Beirut.
I also started to take pictures very early, and I had a camera that was a game but I didn’t care that it was only a game, what interested me was to concentrate on looking at things, and looking through the viewfinder.
Then I started to use my parent’s small cam and never knew if there was film or not.
Photographs are witnesses to the past, they leave a trail and act as a repository for MEMORIES; do you use photography for any purposes other than artistic ones?
I am not sure the main characteristic of photographs is their relationship to the past, or memories. I think that photographs reflect a vision and a mental state that belongs to their owner: neither in the past or the present or the future, it’s out of time, just like a painting or a sculpture. Photography was related to time because of its technical nature… but we’re not there anymore; we‘re in 2014!
Yes I often receive commissions, and I like to challenge my language to work with someone else’s material. It’s a moment where my way of seeing things, and my experience, connects with another artist, architect, designer, perfumer, to give birth to visuals. It’s like an extension of my personal work.
What photographic approach do you have when you look at BEIRUT?
I still don’t know how to photograph Beirut. It’s a complex city, and it’s constantly in motion, physically and also mentally…I’m still researching. I guess it’s not important anyway; I don’t seek to represent Beirut or any other place, but the personal, sensual, physical, human experience I have in a specific time and place.
What is the COOLEST photo that you sell?
What does cool mean ?
What was your CRAZIEST purchase?
Margiela shoes! Happens every year though.
What is your favorite QUOTE?
“Vouloir s’evader c’est de la blague… après tout, tout est beau, y a qu’ a s’intéresser aux choses et les trouver belles…un visage c’est un visage, des assiettes sont des assiettes, les hommes sont des hommes.. et la vie, ben c’est la vie…”A monologue from the woman in “Vivre sa vie” by Jean-Luc Godard, but when it’s said by Anna Karina it’s even more beautiful.
Who is your favorite artist in BEIRUT?
Allow me to say I have three favorite Beirut artists : painter and poet Etel Adnan, photographer Gilbert Hage and I love Hubert Fattal’s drawings that not many people are lucky to know.
What are you doing after this Bazar Interview?
Study! Reading about James Castle, one of my favorite artist.
Check the complete interview here: http://www.beirutbazar.com/the-art-week-with-nadim-asfar/
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